
Everyone needs a well-stocked First Aid kit

Everyone needs a well-stocked First Aid kit

Everyone needs a well-stocked First Aid kit at home and on the go. Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere so it is beneficial to always be prepared.

First-Aid Essentials:

  • Breathing barrier in case a stranger needs to administer CPR
  • Tweezers to remove splinters or ticks
  • 1% Hydrocortisone cream for bites or stings
  • Alcohol wipes to clean scissors and tweezers
  • Oral antihistamine for allergic reactions
  • Non-latex gloves to pull on clean hands when treating a wound
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and fever
  • Triple-antibiotic ointment to prevent infection
  • Hand sanitizer to clean hands in case water and soap are not available
  • Bottled water to rinse wounds if there is no faucet nearby
  • Instant cold compress to control swelling